Fischland-Darß-Zingst? Of course!

Naturally beautiful.

In the far north of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, washed by the Baltic Sea and the Bodden, lies the Fischland-Darß-Zingst peninsula. It is home to 2 Baltic Sea spas, 4 Baltic Sea resorts and 3 recreational resorts and consists largely of the national park “Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft”. Along the 45 km long coastline, wind and waves have shaped the land since the beginning. On the western beach on the Darß, the romantic closeness to nature unites with the primitive nature of the coastal landscape. The land has a rugged, inimitable charm, while the wide fine sandy beach invites you to linger and dream at any time of the year. The region is an annual resting place for up to 60,000 cranes and provides a habitat for numerous wild species and unique plants. 

Naturally beneficial.

Take a deep breath and feel the beneficial charms of the mild coastal climate that prevails 365 days a year on the peninsula. Along our coasts you will find 8 spa and rehabilitation clinics, 10 wellness hotels and 1 spa center, which will meet your personal needs. Regional and traditional forms of therapy merge there for your benefit. If you are out in the fresh air all day, you will naturally get hungry. Spoil your palate with creations from regional products. Go on culinary walks or lend a hand yourself at a kitchen party!

Artful, of course.

The unique landscape between the sea and the Bodden with its incomparable light and unspoiled nature has attracted artists to Ahrenshoop since the 19th century. Here, under the landscape painter Paul Müller-Kaempff, an artists’ colony was created that still lives up to its name today. And since 2013, with the newly created Ahrenshoop Art Museum, a Europe-wide shining home of art has been added. Zingst has been dedicated to photography for years, culminating in Germany’s major environmental photography festival “horizonte zingst” in May. The Zingst school also offers year-round workshops where professionals from around the world can be seen over the shoulder.

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